2020 Workshops
Sunday workshops @ New School T'ai Chi Ch'uan
Feel free to join us for morning practice and/or lunch on these Sundays. Cost per workshop $20
Sun, Jan 26, 2-4pm Form Applications
Sun, Feb 23, 2-4pm Push Hands
Sun, Mar 29, 2-4pm Form Applications
Grandmaster Chen's Spring Intensive and Midwest workshops
More details at
March 17th - 21st (Tue - Sat) 9:30am - 12:30pm (Daily)
2020 FIVE DAY SPRING INTENSIVE with William C. C. Chen
1 E 28 Street - 7th fl, New York City 10016 phone: 212-675-2816
Refinement / Applications / Push-Hands / Intro to San-Shou
April 25th - 26th (Sat - Sun) Chicago, IL
Sifu Shawn Parkes, phone: 312-933-4223 email:
June 19th - 21st (Fri - Sun) Bloomington, IN
Master Charles Pearce, phone: 812-332-9741 email:
August 14th - 16th (Fri - Sun) Davenport, IA
Master Scott L. Caulpetzer
phone: 563-322-4002 email:
September 13th (Sun) Indianapolis, IN
Sifu David Anderson, phone: 317-985-8265 email:
Sifu Michael Heinz, phone: 317-422-9878 email:
November 8th (Sun) Madison, WI
Master Jody Curley, phone: 608-320-6884 email:
Spring and Summer 2019
June 21-23
Grandmaster William C.C. Chen workshop
Hosted at the Southeast brand of the Monroe County Y.M.C.A.
2125 S. Highland Ave., Bloomington, IN 47401
May 26, Push hands workshop
April 27, Group lunch
March 12-16
Spring Intensive with Grandmaster Chen in New York
Sunday, September 16, 10am-noon
Push Hands Concepts, Drills, and Techniques workshop with Charles Pearce. $20 (no extra cost for monthly members of New School T'ai Chi Ch'uan)
Social (potluck) – New School provides appetizers, burgers, brats (gas grill will be available)

June 22-24, 2018
Grandmaster William C.C. Chen workshop
Hosted at the Southeast brand of the Monroe County Y.M.C.A.
2125 S. Highland Ave., Bloomington, IN 47401
Registration form
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Open Push Hands session (2-4pm) Look for a Push Hands event the last Sunday of the month.
Saturday, May 12, 2018, 11:45am Group lunch
Sunday, May 6, 2018, 2-4pm Long form review with Sifu Dan Martin
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Push Hands instruction with Master Charles Pearce (1-2pm)
Open Push Hands session (2-4pm)
Saturday, April 7, 2018, 11:45am
Group lunch
We go to a local restaurant. Feel free to join us, even if you did not make it to practice.
Look for a group lunch on the first Saturday of the month.
March 25, 2018
Push Hands instruction with Master Charles Pearce (1-2pm)
Open Push Hands session (2-4pm)
March 13-17, 2018
Spring Intensive with Grandmaster William C.C. Chen workshop in New York